Benefits of Strength Training for Women
Are you curious about lifting weights but not sure why you should get started? You’re in the right place! I’ll be revealing the mind and body benefits of lifting weights and tell you why it will literally transform your life.
Discover the secret of strength training for women, and why you should start today.
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Truths About Strength Training
You’ll Challenge Your Self-Imposed Limitations
One of the most gratifying outcomes from lifting weights is seeing how strong and capable you are. You may have not have tested yourself, or even thought it was possible to lift that much weight, but you are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. When you are strength training the challenge is between you and yourself.
How much effort did you bring to the gym floor last week, and how much are going to bring to the floor today?
Progress becomes very clear with strength training. It’s either a “yes” or a “no” on whether you lifted more this week than you did last week and whether you brought 100% of your effort. You become surprised and pleased by how much you can lift when it’s something you really want.
We all need to get out of our way and break the self-imposed limitations we have for ourselves. You will become stronger and feel more empowered when you lift.
You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
This is by far the best benefit of strength training. Eating is one of the many pleasures of life and judging by the waistline of Americans, most will agree. The average person unknowingly gains about 3-5 pounds every year with majority of that weight gain happening around the holidays.
As we get older, we have the tendency to become more sedentary. This is why weight gain accelerates in our middle age even though our diets haven’t changed much. Inactivity compounded by age-related muscle loss causes us to naturally put on weight. The good news is that all of this is completely preventable.
What if you can eat more, but still stay slim?
With strength training, you can. In fact, lifting weights helps you to maintain your current lean muscle mass and build more as well. Not only will you look better in your clothes but you’ll speed up your metabolism.This means that you will have leeway in your diet to eat a little bit more without any consequences to your waistline.
Focus on Becoming More
When it comes to being healthy we’re obsessed with the number on the scale and it dictates how we feel the rest of the day.
We become very conscious about our eating and picky about what we eat. We start classifying our foods as ‘bad’ versus ‘good’ which starts an unhealthy relationship with food. On top of this, the media conditions us that we must look a certain way and meet specific cultural body standards.
With weight training we ignore the scale. Instead we focus on how much we can lift today, the number on the weights (rather than the scale) and set our sights on lifting more than we did last week. Unknowingly we start becoming role models for women at the gym and other women in our lives by focusing on what really matters in our fitness journey: our health and our strength, not the number on the scale.
Boost Your Social Capital
We all could use more friends! Although, many times our insecurity about our bodies and our appearances can prevent us from presenting our best selves in the world. This lack of confidence we have about our identity can be enough to stop us from seeking new relationships both offline and online.
Lifting weights can and will positively change how you feel about yourself. You will experience a boost of self-confidence in many areas of your life such as your in career, in your personal relationships, and especially the relationship you have with yourself.
Confident people are linked with higher incomes, more friends, and–if you’re single–with having more desirable characteristics as a potential mate. Increased self-confidence creates more opportunities to strengthen current relationships and attract additional relationships because you were assertive enough to seek them out.
New friends and contacts lead to richer life experiences and expanded opportunities in all areas of your life. Weight training helps you put yourself out there more often and gives you the self-confidence to believe that people will value what you have to offer.
Experience Self-Love
Lifting weights will positively change your identity of who you are in many ways. When you didn’t see the scale change as fast as you would you like, you may have embraced the idea that you have a slow metabolism.
Perhaps you are the person who had every legitimate excuse under the sun on why you didn’t exercise today–with lack of time being the primary excuse. You felt that other people who are in shape just have more willpower than you do and possibly just blessed with good genetics. But when you start lifting weights, how you describe who you are will start to shift.
You become the person who says “I am someone who takes care of myself and I make sure to get my workouts in.” The idea that you should exercise everyday becomes I must exercise everyday. You start identifying and implementing healthier habits such as eating more vegetables, getting 8 hours of sleep, and monitoring your stress levels. You start walking down the street with a more confident posture. You feel more in control and carry yourself with more competence in every situation.
Ultimately, strength training will cause you to start holding yourself to higher standards. It will raise the bar in all areas of your life so that you become a better version of yourself.