Testosterone – HGH – Alberta, Canada

HGH – Human Growth Hormone Information – Alberta, Canada
How can I get HGH – human growth hormone in Calgary, Canada?
Due to changes in regulations in Canada doctors may not prescribe HGH for quality of life antiaging purposes. These changes were precipitated by athletes and body builders taking abusive amounts of HGH for performance enhancement purposes. Canadian regulators were concerned that young people had easy access to HGH from unethical doctors. Consequently middle aged people looking for HGH as part of a safe hormone replacement program were denied access.
Buy HGH in Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Human Growth Hormone
COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC was strategically located in San Jose, Costa Rica to provide Calgary residents with a legal, safe, and cost effective antiaging program utilizing HGH human growth hormone and testosterone replacement combined with life style management.
Our low costs for malpractice and liability insurance combine with our low operating costs give us a competitive advantage which we pass on to our patients. We charge no initiation fees, monthly dues or consultation fees.

Buy HGH in Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Human Growth Hormone
How do I get started on HGH and testosterone replacement and how much time do I need to spend in Costa Rica?
All patients are required to have a medical exam and blood tests prior to initiating hormone replacement. The patient’s dosage is predicated on their body weight and blood test results. Our goal is to safely elevate you HGH and testosterone levels to where you were in your twenties.HGH is injected daily and the dosage is calibrated in international
units. Testosterone is injected weekly and the dosage is calibrated in milliliters.
Patients only need to spend one day in San Jose to get started in our program. Many patients from Calgary come to Costa Rica to visit our clinic and take a vacation. Costa Rica’s warm climate can be a welcome change from the cold winter in Calgary, Canada.
What are the benefits I can expect from participating in your antiaging program?
Patients that utilize our HGH and testosterone replacement combined with our life style program can expect the following benefits:
COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC Age Management Institute offers a quality lower priced alternative to HGH For Sale. We are strategically located in San Jose, Costa Rica which enables us to have lower operating costs than HGH For Sale has in the USA. We pass these savings on to our patients. Our clinic is only a 3 hour flight from Houston and 2.5 hours from Miami.
- Bio – Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT including human growth hormone HGH, testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen replacement
- Comprehensive medical testing, cardio stress test, echo gram, body fat, muscle mass, metabolic rate, and metabolic age
- In house blood testing
- Nutritional Counseling and Diet Plans
- Exercise Counseling and Workout Plans
- Quality Supplements
Improve the quality and vitality of your life!
Call us now Canada toll free at 1 800 778 7012 or send us an inquiry on line!
AB, Canada