Some tips to prevent wrinkles

As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity, making it prone to wrinkles. Dermatologists have many tools for tackling those little lines that mark the passage of time. They include prescription creams, chemical peels, and Botox. But perhaps the best option is to protect your skin just as it is. This article will outline several ways you can prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place.

Protect your skin from the sun. As you get older, the genes that control inflammation, the production and strength of collagen, and your skin’s ability to retain water begin to behave in a way that encourages the formation of wrinkles. Those changes are caused by mutations which can either be point mutations or frame shift mutations. A study found that aged skin that hadn’t been exposed to the sun had about 3,800 genetic mutations, while skin that had been exposed to the sun had around 10,000 mutations in the same genes! So if the risk of skin cancer isn’t enough to get you to wear sunblock and wide-brimmed hats, let vanity persuade you. Women need to be careful while blocking sun rays. Vitamin D comes from the sun and is absorbed through the skin. Look up Vitamin D deficiency.

Prevent Wrinkles

Prevent Wrinkles

Don’t blame it on your genes. It’s true that some people age more gracefully than others. And while scientists are beginning to gain a deeper understanding of how genetics can influence the aging process, they’re also discovering how much your lifestyle choices can affect your genes. Your genes only govern 30% of how you age; the other 70% is up to you.

Massage your face with Omega-3. Oils containing long chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids work wonders in promoting intracellular repair. Examples of omega-3 oils are almond oil, egg oil and milk cream. Fish oils also contain omega-3 but have an unpleasant odor and are best avoided.

Eat, drink, and slather on the antioxidants. When UV rays are absorbed by your skin, they create free radicals, which are volatile molecules. Those free radicals can latch onto your DNA and cause the mutations that cause wrinkles. Antioxidants help your body defend against free radicals. Combat wrinkles by eating foods and drinking beverages that contain antioxidants (pomegranates, açai, blueberries, green tea) and using creams or moisturizers that contain them.

Splash cold water on your face. Splashing cold water on your face first thing in the morning stimulates micro-circulation and regenerates dermal membrane. Preferably, fill your mouth with water while you splash so as to stretch the facial skin.