Aging Definition
The progressive incremental transformation in the form and functionality of human beings and animals, that gradually proceed over time. These changes are not due to illness or random accidents or injuries. These transformations in the form and viability of the human or animal body ultimately result in death.
Human’s Lifespan
Aging is the gradual cumulative transformations that occur in the human body from birth to death. As human beings age various changes manifest themself physiologically, psychologically, and socially. As we age some things improve such as knowledge, wisdom and the ability to be self – sufficient and independent.
Aging Process
As we age, our bodies change in many ways that affect the function of both individual cells and organ systems. These changes occur little by little and progress inevitably over time. However, the rate of this progression can be very different from person to person.
Aging and Hormones
Hormones are one of the most important and common chemical transmitters in the human body. Without hormones human beings could not survive.From our brain to our feet, every instant of life, they command cells to execute a variety actions that span simple to complicated functions. Just a few examples of how hormones help the body function functions are blood sugar, blood pressure,and body temperature regulation.
Extending Life
Some useful suggestions for extending life:
1. Participate in things that make you happy.
2. Look at the positive things in life.
3. Plan for your financial future.
4. Have a system to organize your personal financial matters.
5. Do not drink and drive.
6. Drink only in moderation.