HGH And Anti Aging Clinics in Costa Rica( NEW ARTICLE ) Human growth hormone HGH or the generic term Somatropin is a natural hormone that all of us have circulating in our blood stream. The Hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary gland in our brains. Human growth hormone production regulates and promotes the growth of bones and muscles in our bodies. It also promotes cell growth and healing in our bodies. At the age of 25 the production of HGH in our bodies slowly and gradually begins to decline. Prior to the age of twenty five our human growth hormone levels as measured by the IGF – 1 factor are about 350. By the time we reach middle age( 40 or more) the levels of human growth hormone HGH in our bodies has declined to substantially lower levels with an IGF – 1 factor below 170.
Prior to 1985 human growth hormone HGH was manufactured from the pituitary glands in cadavers. In 1981 Genentech Labs pioneered the DNA technology to reproduce bio–identical human growth hormone HGH for use in the medical market place. In 1985 the USA FDA approved laboratory produced human growth hormone for use in the medical market place.
It is our opinion at The COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC that human growth hormone HGH replacement has substantial antiaging benefits when used under a doctor’s careful supervision. Elevating our patients levels to a IGF – 1 factor of 350 has substantial benefits. Some of the benefits are increased recovery and healing time, increased muscle mass on an incremental basis, and reduced body fat. Our patients are not allowed to elevate their levels above IGF – 1 350 and patients that knowingly take abusive levels of human growth hormone should be aware of the negative consequences which can include an enlarged heart and increased cranial size.
In males we utilize human growth hormone HGH replacement with testosterone replacement to achieve the best antiaging results. It is fundamental to our philosophy that antiaging is hormone replacement utilizing human growth hormone HGH and testosterone plus healthy nutrition plus a good exercise program. The patients that adhere to this discipline experience superior results in looking and feeling younger and have a superior quality of life than their peers that choose not to embrace an antiaging program.
Human growth hormone replacement HGH can not be provided to patients that have cancer, diabetes related diseases or are recovering from recent traumatic surgery such as open heart surgery. Patients should make sure that their human growth hormone HGh is produced by FDA approved globally respected pharmaceutical companies. Human growth hormone HGH produced in China should not be taken, regardless of how attractive the price is. In the United States human growth hormone HGH is approved for the treatment of AIDS and dwarfism.
HGH Clinics in Costa Rica
In Costa Rica human growth hormone HGH is legal for antiaging quality of life purposes under a doctor’s care and supervision.

HGH, Testosterone and Anti Aging

HGH Information

Testosterone – HGH

Testosterone and Anti Aging
San José, Costa Rica location
Costa Rica