Why Do I Still Have Acne?

Everything You Need to Know About Adult Acne

If you’re frustrated by blemishes you thought you’d left behind in your teenage years, you’re not alone. Many women have acne breakouts into their 30s, 40s and 50s. Here’s a look at how common adult acne is among older women, its causes and what you can do to treat the problem.

Adult Acne

Causes of Acne in Older Women

Various studies have investigated the prevalence of acne among older adults, and have found adult acne is more common in women than in men, and that it often continues past menopause.
The primary causes of acne are the same for the young and old:

  • Over-production of oil, or sebum, by the skin
  • Abnormally sticky or abundant skin cells produced within the follicle, forming a plug
  • Proliferation of a normal skin bacteria called p.acnes within the plugged follicle
  • Inflammation of the skin

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Diet plays little or no role in the development of adult acne. No food has been identified that can cause, prevent or treat acne.

Additional Acne Triggers in Older Women

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), factors that may cause acne in women in their 20s, 30s and beyond include:

  • Hormone fluctuations: Hormonal fluctuations that occur during menstruation, pregnancy, ovarian cysts, stopping or starting birth control pills and menopause are believed to be a major cause of adult acne. Hormone imbalances can affect oil production by the skin as well as how effectively skin cells are shed.
    Family history: If you have brothers or sisters with acne, you may be more likely to develop it as an adult, according to the AAD.
  • Stress: Being under stress can boost the production of male hormones called androgens. These hormones, which naturally occur in both men and women, stimulate oil production and can worsen acne. Experts believe that an excessive amount of the hormone androgen, a condition called hyperandrogenism, may be a significant cause of late-onset acne in women who didn’t have acne as adolescents.
  • Cosmetics: Anti-aging creams, sunscreens or hair pomades and sprays containing heavy oils or perfumes may clog pores and cause acne, typically along your hairline, scalp or face. This type of acne can occur later in life and has been dubbed acne cosmetica by dermatologists.

How to Banish Your Adult Acne

There are simple things you can do on your own to help prevent adult acne and keep it from getting worse. First, wash your skin once or twice a day with a non-drying, non-comedogenic cleanser that won’t clog your pores. Look for cosmetic products labeled oil-free, non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic (unlikely to cause acne breakouts). In addition, avoid heavy skin creams or hair products which may aggravate your skin condition.

When to See a Dermatologist

Whether your acne has persisted since your teenage years, or has appeared as a new skin problem in later life, consider seeing a dermatologist if you’re looking for treatment options. A specialist can help you determine the factors which may be triggering your acne, and can help you with prescription medications to help regulate hormones or treat your breakouts without drying or otherwise irritating your aging skin.