Check This Effective Cool-Down Routine

Check This Effective Cool-Down Routine

A post-workout routine that involves stretching can be very beneficial, both physically and mentally. We tend to spend our days rushing directly from one commitment to the next without spending any time relaxing and appreciating the present moment.

Stretching and meditating after a workout have been linked to reduced post-workout soreness and overall stress. Skipping this important step because you’re pressed for time may leave you feeling stiff, sore, and stressed out for a few days—especially if your workout was intense and included resistance-based training.

Check this effective cool-down routine

Check this effective cool-down routine


Many athletes use ice or take a cold shower after a workout to help with the healing process.

Using ice post-workout is effective for helping with the rejuvenation of muscles and tendons that have been worked during the session. You can apply ice to a specific area of your body that needs relief. Or if you have access to a plunge pool, your whole body can benefit from a cold soak.


It feels great to get into a sauna or steam room after an intense exercise session, but the thermic stress that you put on your body is not necessarily good for you.

During your workout your body has to work overtime to keep you cool, and adding in extra heat post-workout may stress out your body—especially your immune system. A few days after an intense session is a good time to get in the sauna or take a hot soak in the tub, as the heat can promote increased circulation and soothe sore muscles, especially if you add Epsom salts.

Foam rolling

Stretching alone is not always enough to release muscle tightness, and that’s why athletes often rely on massage therapy to help release trigger points in the muscles. When you eliminate knots and stress points in the muscles, it helps to reestablish proper movement patterns and pain-free movement. This may ultimately reduce post-workout soreness and enhance performance.

Foam rollers have become popular over the past few years because they can assist in breaking up these muscle knots, resuming normal blood flow and function to the muscle without costly trips to a masseuse. Having the ability to control the pressure and position of the foam roller is perfect for targeted muscle relief.