hgh@hghclinicusa.com - US & Canada: 1 800 778 7012

Human Growth Hormone San Francisco, California HGH

 Testosterone - HGH – San Francisco, California

Testosterone – HGH – San Francisco, California

HGH - Human Growth Hormone Information – San Francisco, California

HGH – Human Growth Hormone Information – San Francisco, California

In San Francisco, California medical doctors can´t prescribe HGH human growth hormone injections for antiaging quality of life purposes.

COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC is strategically located in San Jose, Costa Rica to offer a legal, safe, quality antiaging program at lower costs than can be obtained in the San Francisco, California  Bay Area.

In Costa Rica HGH human growth hormone replacement is perfectly legal under a doctor´s care and supervision. Our low operating and liability insurance costs allow us to pass the savings to our patients. We offer human growth hormone and testosterone replacement injections and an antiaging program at much lower costs than can be obtained  in the USA.

Human Growth Hormone San Francisco, California HGH

Human Growth Hormone San Francisco, California HGH

Human Growth Hormone San Francisco, California HGH

HGH human growth hormone is too large to absorb into the blood stream via oral pill or nasal sprays. Internet offerings of HGH pills or nasal sprays are misleading. HGH human growth hormone must be injected.
HGH human growth hormone dosages are prescribed and calibrated in IU´s (international units). We offer HGH injections in the form of a 10 mg – 30 IU pen. This is a convenient and easy to use delivery system. The HGH come premixed in the pen with disposable 31 gage needles.

HGH human growth hormone dosages are prescribed and calibrated in IU´s (international units). We offer HGH injections in the form of a 10 mg – 30 IU pen. This is a convenient and easy to use delivery system.

How can I travel to San Jose, Costa Rica from the San Francisco Bay Area?

San Francisco area residents can connect to Los Angeles and fly nonstop to San Jose, Costa Rica on Avianca and Delta Airlines.

How much time do I need to stay in San Jose, Costa Rica to initiate your antiaging program?

New patients only need to spend one day in San Jose, Costa Rica to start our antiaging program. We are located in the upscale La Sabana area of San Jose. There are many good hotels just a short taxi ride from our clinic.

Patients have a blood draw at their hotel room at 8:00 PM so we can process our required blood panel. Patients then arrive at our clinic at 3:00 PM for their medical exam, blood test review, receive their prescriptions and purchase their hormones. Patient are finished with their appointment by 5:00 PM.

What benefits can I expect by participating in your antiaging program?

Patients that utilize HGH human growth hormone and testosterone replacement and our life style management guidelines can derive the following benefits:

  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased muscle mass and improved definition
  • Increased rate of recovery and healing
  • Reduced body fat
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Improved libido
  • Increased bone density
  • Deeper more restful sleep
  • Improved mood and feeling of well – being
  • And much more!

COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC Age Management Institute offers a quality lower priced alternative to HGH For Sale. We are strategically located in San Jose, Costa Rica which enables us to have lower operating costs than HGH For Sale has in the USA. We pass these savings on to our patients. Our clinic is only a 3 hour flight from Houston and 2.5 hours from Miami.
We offer our patients a full complement of antiaging services:

  • Bio – Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT including human growth hormone HGH, testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen replacement
  • Comprehensive medical testing, cardio stress test, echo gram, body fat, muscle mass, metabolic rate, and metabolic age
  • In housebloodtesting
  • NutritionalCounseling and DietPlans
  • ExerciseCounseling and WorkoutPlans
  • QualitySupplements

Costa Rica is well known as a leading medical tourism destination. With respected medical schools, bilingual population, and a safe peaceful society. Many patients combine a trip to our clinic with a vacation to enjoy Costa Rica’s pristine beaches, rainforests, and national parks.

Call us now at USA toll free 1 800 778 7012 or send us an inquiry on line.

California, EE. UU.