hgh@hghclinicusa.com - US & Canada: 1 800 778 7012

Buy HGH in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma

 Testosterone - HGH –Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma

Testosterone – HGH – Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma

HGH - Human Growth Hormone Information –Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma

HGH – Human Growth Hormone Information – Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma

Due to changes in regulations it is very difficult for residents of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma to receive a prescription for HGH human growth hormone for antiaging quality of life purposes. In the prior decade athletes were taking abusive doses of HGH human growth hormone to gain a competitive advantage in their sports. Barry Bonds and Marion Jones were some of the more notorious cases of HGH use by athletes. Regulators were concerned that too many young people were abusing HGH and regulations were changed so that medical doctors in Oklahoma can only prescribe HGH for AIDS and Dwarfism patients.

This over reaction deprived middle age persons of an important hormone in conjunction with an antiaging program under a doctor’s care and supervision.

Buy HGH in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma – Human Growth Hormone

Buy HGH in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma – Human Growth Hormone

COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC was established in San Jose, Costa Rica to fill the HGH void and allow Oklahoma resident’s access to an antiaging program utilizing HGH human growth hormone and testosterone replacement. HGH replacement is legal in Costa Rica under the care and supervision of a licensed medical doctor.

How do I get to San Jose, Costa Rica and become a patient of the Anti Aging Institute of The Americas?

Oklahoma residents can connect to San Jose with nonstop flights from Dallas via American Airlines or Houston via United – Continental Airlines.

Patients only need to budget one day in San Jose to have a blood test,

medical exam and consultation with one of our medical doctors. You will receive a prescription and purchase your hormones and be out the door by 5:00 PM.

You can make an appointment by calling our USA toll free number or on line. We recommend a two week notice to secure an appointment.

What are the benefits of an anti – aging program utilizing HGH and testosterone replacement?

Our antiaging program protocol is hormone replacement plus healthy nutrition, a good exercise program and an age appropriate comprehensive annual medical exam.

Patients that embrace our program can expect the following benefits:

  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased muscle mass and improved definition
  • Decline in unwanted body fat
  • Improved libido
  • Increased rate of healing and recovery
  • Maintain bone density and retard osteoporosis
  • Enhanced feeling of well – being and mood
  • Improved memory and mental acuity
  • And much more!

Call us at US toll free at 1 800 778 7012 or send us an online inquiry!