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Buy HGH in Houston, Texas

Buy HGH in Houston, Texas – Human Growth Hormone

Testosterone - HGH – Houston, Texas

Testosterone – HGH – Houston, Texas

HGH - Human Growth Hormone Information – Houston, Texas

HGH – Human Growth Hormone Information – Houston, Texas

In Houston, Texas medical doctors may not write prescriptions for HGH human growth hormone injection therapy for antiaging quality of life purposes.

In 2008 regulations were changed due to athletes and young people taking abusive amounts of HGH human growth hormone for enhancement and body building purposes. Regulators wanted to stop unethical doctors from providing HGH prescriptions to younger people. This over reactive change in regulations led to the strategic decision to locate COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC in San Jose, Costa Rica.

In Costa Rica HGH for antiaging quality of life purposes is legal under the care of a licensed medical doctor. Houston, Texas residents now have access to a safe, legal, and cost effective anti -aging program utilizing HGH human growth hormone and testosterone injection replacement therapy.

Residents of Houston, Texas can fly nonstop to San Jose, Costa Rica via United – Continental Airlines. The flight is a tolerable three hours. COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC is located in the safe upscale San Jose suburb of La Sabana in an area with many good hotel and restaurant options.

Buy HGH in Houston, Texas – Human Growth Hormone

Houston, Texas residents that adhere to our anti – aging program combining HGH human growth hormone and testosterone replacement with good nutrition, and a good exercise program can derive the following benefits:

  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased muscle mass and improved definition
  • Improved libido
  • Maintain bone density and retardation of osteoporosis
  • Faster rate of healing and recovery
  • Elevated mood and enhanced feeling of well – being
  • Deeper and more restful sleep
  • And much more!
Now is the time to enhance the quality and vitality of your life!

Call us USA toll free and send us an inquiry on line. All patients are entitled to a no cost no obligation consultation