Newport Beach, Orange County, California residents now have a legal, safe and affordable option for HGH human growth hormone replacement. COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC located in San Jose, Costa Rica offers Newport Beach residents an antiaging program utilizing HGH human growth hormone and testosterone replacement.
HGH injections are prescribed and calibrated in IU’s (international units). HGH human growth hormone levels are measured by a test called IGF -1. Our goal at the Anti Aging Institute is to elevate our patients IGF -1 level 100 points over their base level for the first six months of their treatments. Control blood testing is performed over the year to monitor the patient’s hormone levels. Most middle aged males inject 2.0 IU per day 5 days on and 2 days off. Females inject 1.0 IU per day 5 days on and 2 days off.

Buy HGH Newport Beach – Human Growth Hormone
We offer HGH human growth hormone in the form of 10 mg – 30 IU pen. This is a very easy to use injectable delivery system.
COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC is strategically located in Costa Rica where HGH human growth hormone replacement for antiaging quality of life purposes is perfectly legal under a doctor’s care. In Costa Rica our business operating expense and liability insurance is much lower than clinics have in the USA. We pass these savings on to our patients with an affordable antiaging program.
How do I travel to San Jose, Costa Rica and how much time do I need to spend in San Jose to initiate your program? Patients from Newport Beach, Orange County, California can travel to San Jose, Costa Rica on nonstop flights offered by Avianca and Delta Airlines. The airport code for San Jose, Costa Rica is SJO.
Patients only need to invest one day at our clinic. A blood technician will arrive at your hotel at 8:00 AM to do a blood draw for our required 20 panel blood test. Patients then go to our clinic at 3:00 PM to meet our medical staff, have their medical exam, blood test review, receive their prescriptions and purchase their hormones. Patients are done with their appointment at 5:00 PM. Our clinic is located in the upscale San Jose suburb of La Sabana. There are many nice hotels to choose from just a few minutes from our clinic.
What are the benefits I can expect from your antiaging program?
- Patients who follow the protocol of our program will derive the following benefits:
- Increased energy and stamina
- Increased muscle mass and declines in body fat
- Increased libido
- Strengthened immune system
- Maintenance of bone density
- Deeper more restful sleep
- Improved mood and feeling of well – being
Contact us now! Call us USA toll free at 1 800 778 7012 or send us an inquiry on line. Now is the time to enhance the quality and vitality of your life!
California, EE. UU.