HGH and Testosterone Decline
COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC can provide Saint Louis, Missouri residents HGH human growth hormone therapy that is 100% legal at a lower cost than can be purchased in Saint Louis, Missouri. HGH therapy is a vital component of our antiaging program utilizing bio–identical HGH and testosterone replacement. Being in San Jose, Costa Rica allows us to provide much lower cost anti-aging program thanks to operating, and insurance costs than antiaging clinics in Canada and the USA. These costs savings are enable us to offer our patients and age management program at prices 50 % lower than clinics in North America. There are no legal issues providing HGH therapy in Costa Rica provided it is prescribed by a licensed medical doctor.
HGH is produced in the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. Testosterone is produced in the testicles (in males). As we age physiologic changes in our body’s glandular function cause levels of these two critical hormones decline by up to about half of what we had in our twenties. These depleted levels of HGH and testosterone are manifested clinically through many signs and symptoms. Increased body fat, decrease of muscle mass and tone, loss of energy and stamina, difficulty sleeping, looser and thinner skin, and decreases in libido are typical symptoms of low HGH and testosterone replacement.
Advances in modern medicine have allowed us to offset the once inevitable symptoms of aging with HGH therapy. HGH therapy is a continuous process because the natural production declines and can no longer be stimulated to produce its own endogenous hormone. Patients must continue to supply the hormones to correct these deficits by not suspending treatment. Hormone replacement therapy is an important aid that allows patients to live more productive, active and fulfilling lives. Patients that combine HGH and testosterone replacement with a healthy life style obtain the best benefits in being healthier and looking and feeling younger for their age.
Now is the time to invest in the quality and productivity of your life:
- Increased energy and stamina
- Reduction of body fat
- Increased muscle mass and improved definition
- Enhanced libido
- Improved sense of well – being
- Deeper more restful sleep
- Faster rate of healing and recovery
- And much more!
Contact us now at 1 800 778 7012 or send us an inquiry on line.