hgh@hghclinicusa.com - US & Canada: 1 800 778 7012

HGH Therapy Charlotte, North Carolina HGH Injections

COSTA HGH & TESTOSTERONE CLINIC was established in 2008 in San Jose, Costa Rica to offer an anti-aging program involving safe and legal HGH therapy. HGH injections are an integral part of an anti-aging program. Charlotte, North Carolina residents now have a great option for cost effective HGH therapy under a physician´s care.

HGH is produced in the anterior pituitary gland of the brain. Testosterone is produced in the testicles in males (in the uterus for females). As we become older the natural levels of these two important hormones decline continuously. By the time people reach middle age these levels can be 60 to 70 % lower than what our HGH and testosterone levels were when we were in the prime of our youth.

Middle age patients present a wide variety of aging symptoms due to low HGH human growth hormone and testosterone levels.. Some of these aging indicators are unwanted weight gain, declines in muscle mass and definition, reduced energy levels and declines in stamina. Many patients report declines in libido, lapse in memory, and mild depression.

Patients medically classified as obese generally have low HGH and testosterone levels.

Utilizing testosterone and HGH as the base of our hormone therapy along with the age management principals we provide, give our patients the essential components to enjoy an enhanced quality of life as they pass through middle age and beyond.

What are the steps for getting started with your age management program and how do I know it is right for me?

The screening and evaluation process ideally involves the patients coming to our clinic in San Jose, Costa Rica. The morning they come in they will have their blood draw and thanks to our speedy laboratory services, results are back in 6 hours. The patients can meet with their doctor the same day for evaluation of the results and a thorough clinical history allow us to determine the appropriate treatment plan. The medications can be purchased right after this appointment making it all highly efficient in one day so patients are then free to enjoy the natural beauty of Costa Rica with some vacation time or return to their homes.

Our Physicians maintain strict control with patients about control labs and adjusting medications and dosages. Once a person joins our program despite the distance you will always have full access to your attending doctor and prompt responses to any inquiries.

What airlines service San Jose, Costa Rica from Charlotte, North Carolina?

From Charlotte, North Carolina you can connect to Atlanta where Delta Airlines has nonstop flights to San Jose, Costa Rica.

Charlotte North Carolina HGH

Charlotte North Carolina HGH








What are the benefits I can attain from your age management program?

The patients that follow our age management program can look forward to the following benefits:

  • Reduction of body fat
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Increased libido
  • Improved muscle mass and definition
  • Lower BMI
  • Elevated mood and feeling of well – being
  • Strengthened immune system
  • And More

Now is the time to maximize the quality of your life and health!

Contact as now! Call us USA toll free at 1 800 778 7012 or send us an inquiry using our contact box.