Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome

Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome

Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome

Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome

Characterized by central obesity, hypertension, and adverse glucose and insulin metabolism, Metabolic Syndrome is a condition associated with increased risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Maria Luz Fernandez, from the University of Connecticut (Connecticut, USA), and colleagues enrolled 24 men with Metabolic Syndrome, in a month-long study that randomly assigned the participants to receive either freeze-dried grape polyphenol powder, or a placebo. A three-week washout period followed, and then the subjects crossed over to the other intervention. The researchers found that systolic blood pressure decreased in the grape extract group, with the average resting systolic blood pressure standing at 122.6 mmHg, as compared to 128 mmHg in the placebo group.  As well, concentrations of key cellular inflammatory markers, most notably soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) was lower in the grape extract group, compared to placebo. The study authors conclude that:  “These results suggest that grape polyphenols may potentiate vasorelaxation and reduce BP and circulating cell adhesion molecules, resulting in improvements in vascular function.”

The grape antioxidant resveratrol has been a topic of intense research for the past three decades. Resveratrol and other grape ingredients, as well as whole-grape products, have shown considerable promise in health promotion and disease management. Phytochemically, whole grape represents a natural combination of resveratrol and other phytonutrients, as it contains several catechins, anthocyanins, polyphenols, and flavonols. Thus, the whole grape products or specific combinations of grape constituents provide us with the possibility of synergistic interactions leading to improved efficacy. Recent research has suggested that whole-grape products may help in maintaining heart health and protect against aging, aging-associated diseases, neurodegeneration, and some cancers. Based on the available recent literature, the grape or whole-grape products seem to be safer choices for better health and disease prevention. However, for advanced disease conditions, individual grape ingredients (such as resveratrol) or combinations of multiple ingredients together with existing therapies appear to be better approaches. Further clinical studies are needed to understand the benefits of grapes and their products in the prevention and management of specific diseases.


Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome