6 fat-burning snacks you’ll actually want to eat

Eating small meals throughout the day helps with weight management in a couple different ways. For one thing, eating frequently helps to keep your blood sugar stable, meaning you won’t get so ravenous that you’ll overeat.

Plus, adding protein to your meals keeps your metabolism up, which, in turn, helps to burn more calories all day long.

Try one of these high-protein, fat-burning, grab-and-go snack ideas:

Yogurt Parfait

Layer fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt, fresh berries and a few raw almonds in a cup or glass for a quick, high-protein mini meal. Or eat the yogurt plain with a teaspoon of honey. It’s delicious, nutritious, and it’s also kind of beautiful. Who doesn’t love a picture-perfect snack?


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Single-serve cottage cheese

I recommend buying individual packages of low-fat cottage cheese. Pair with a piece of fruit for fiber and healthy carbs, too.

Peanut butter on a banana or apple

Did you know that a regular-sized portion of peanut butter is only supposed to be the size of a golf ball? Luckily, you can buy single-serve peanut butter in take-along packets. That’ll help you to keep portions within the 2-tablespoon serving range. Smear on a banana or apple for added fiber (and deliciousness).

Personal packs of cheese

String cheese and individually-wrapped cheeses (such as Babybel) can be easily tossed into your bag and eaten on the run for a quick protein hit for a handful of calories. No need to worry about crumbs or anything overturning and spilling in your handbag. Just don’t forget about them — these guys can’t stay out of the refrigerator for too long.


These soybeans in their pods contain a good amount of fiber along with protein. And they take time to eat, which forces you to slow down. They’re also so, so good. If you haven’t already given them a chance, try them!

Low-fat chocolate milk

Yup, we said it. Chocolate milk. In addition to making the perfect post-workout snack for its muscle recovery properties, chocolate milk tastes like a treat.

In addition to healthy meals, these snacks can help curb your appetite and keep off the pounds.