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Go Bananas

Go Bananas     Bananas and Human Growth Hormone Potassium, found abundandly in bananas, is a mineral for which previous studies suggest is effective at lowering blood pressure. The US Department of Agriculture recommends that women consume at least 4,700 mg of potassium daily.    Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York), and…


Age Affects Stem Cell Capacities

Age Affects Stem Cell Capacities Aging and Human Growth Hormone Age Affects Stem Cell Capacities As we age, stem cells throughout our bodies gradually lose their capacity to repair damage, even from normal wear and tear. Michael Rudnicki, from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa (Canada), and colleagues have found that as…


Attitude Influences Eating Habits

Attitude Influences Eating Habits       Eating Habits and Human Growth Hormone A positive outlook on life may make you a better candidate for healthy eating.  Melanie Hingle, from the University of Arizona (Arizona, USA), and colleagues studied data collected as part of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), focusing on two groups of women: …


Strawberries Improve Cholesterol Levels

Strawberries Improve Cholesterol Levels  Alternative Medicine and Human Growth Hormone A preponderance of previous studies suggests that increased dietary intake of flavonoids – especially from berries – associates with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease.  A. Basu, from Oklahoma State University (Oklahoma, USA), and colleagues administered a beverage containing freeze-dried strawberry powder (50 grams/day), to 60…


Glass of Wine May Support Kidney Health

Glass of Wine May Support Kidney Health Kidney Health and Human Growth Hormone Glass of Wine May Support Kidney Health Often caused by diabetes and high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Tapan Mehta, from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center (Colorado, USA), and colleagues analyzed  data collected on…


Coffee May Preserve Eyesight

Coffee May Preserve Eyesight     Human Growth Hormone and  Functional Foods A thin tissue layer on the inside, back wall of the eye with millions of light-sensitive cells and other nerve cells that receive and organize visual information, the retina is one of the most metabolically active tissues, demanding high levels of oxygen and making…


Two Foods that Assist Cardiovascular Health

Two Foods that Assist Cardiovascular Health Healthy Living and Human Growth Hormone Nitric oxide (NO) is an important molecule for cardiovascular and cognitive health, as it exerts effects on blood flow and blood vessel function. Catherine Bondonno, from the University of Western Australia (Australia), and colleagues enrolled 30 healthy female and male volunteers, and screened them…


Link Between Cholesterol & Cancer

Link Between Cholesterol & Cancer Health and HGH – Human Growth Hormone A generally established factor for heart disease, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is known as the “bad” cholesterol.   Thomas Grewal, from the University of Sydney (Australia), and colleagues have identified that LDL cholesterol controls the trafficking of tiny vessels which also contain integrins – molecules that…


Blood Test for Depression

Blood Test for Depression Depression and Human Growth Hormone Serotonin transporter (SERT) is a protein in the cell membrane that facilitates the transport of the neurotransmitter serotonin – levels of which associate with mood, into the cell. Depression can frequently be caused by a lack of serotonin. Christian Scharinger, from MedUni Vienna (Austria), and colleagues…


Superbug Superwar

Superbug Superwar      General Health and Human Growth Hormone An April 2014 report by the World Health Organization (WHO),  warns of the public health threat of antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance –when bacteria change so antibiotics no longer work in people who need them to treat infections.   “Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance” notes…