HGH Benefits in Montgomery – Alabama

HGH Benefits in Montgomery – Alabama

Clinic Anti-Aging HGH and Testosterone can provide those residing in Montgomery, Alabama with the beneficial effects of HGH replacement therapy.

Every patient is administered HGH under the care and supervision of a licensed physician, well versed in the beneficial effects and administration of HGH replacement therapy.

Patients aged thirty years and older can usually experience the therapeutic results provided by the benefits of HGH.

All patients should have our basic preliminary screening blood panel prior to being offered HGH. Patients can either get our blood panel on their own using their local doctor and blood lab or work with our reference blood lab.

For patients who would like more extensive testing, we also have Silver, Gold and Platinum blood panels

Basic Blood Panel:
1.PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
2.Total testosterone
3.CBC (complete blood count)
4.Kidney function: BUN, Creatinine
5.Liver enzymes: AST, ALT
6.IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor to measure levels of Growth Hormone)

Our blood panel is for HGH – hormone additional intentions and is not meant to auxiliary our patient’s annual medical inspection with their primary care physician.

Are there any aids of HGH?

Among some of the benefits of HGH replacement treatment are:
•Intensification of strength.
•Decrease in body fat percentage.
•Quicker Healing and Recovery
•Enhanced immune system
•Better memory and mental alertness
•A deeper, more relaxing sleep
•Increased levels of vigor and endurance.
•Higher muscle mass proportion.

For male patients who combine both HGH and testosterone additional, the best anti-aging benefits are achieved.

Anti-aging is the additional of hormones plus healthy diet and a regular, age-appropriate exercise routine.

•HGH is measure by a test named IGF – 1 – in.
•Nanograms per milliliter – ng per ml.
•Insulin growth factor 1.

It is our ambition to raise the IGF-1 level of our patients up to 100 points from their baseline level.

The maximum safe elevation we recommend is 350 ng per ml in the IGF-1 test. When patients approach this level, they slowly attain the best benefits from HGH replacement.

How is HGH managed?

Our HGH replacement is obtainable in the form of a 10 mg – 30 IU pen that is administered with a small, 6 mm long, 31-gauge, disposable needle that is screwed into the bottom of the pen. It is intravenous injection and is not a painful or invasive method.

HGH is generally injected 5 days a week.
For patients in their 50s and 60s, HGH is usually injected 6 days a week.

Thirty days after starting the program, the patient undergoes a control blood test so we can see if their IGF-1 level is at or near our target elevation of 100 points.

We ship the HGH pens to you instant in a five-pound, rugged cold box that conserves the pens between 4 and 7 degrees Celsius.

Pens should constantly be stored in the refrigerator at home.

Improve the quality and energy of your life now!

Fill out our form and we will be happy to call you back with a brief executive summary over the phone or send you a complete written response with valuing details, whichever you prefer.