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Three Celebrity Style Tips

Admit it….. You’ve watched a movie, been impressed with the style of the leading man, and thought to yourself: I can dress like Brad Pitt….. ……pull off Ryan Gosling’s look…… …… wear that suit like Bradley Cooper. So this leads to the question. How can any man pull of a celebrity style look? How can you…


Male Attractiveness and Aging

Before we get into this topic I have a question: Who was voted the sexiest man of the year in 1989 and sexiest man of the century in 1999? For those who don’t know: Sean Connery Does anyone know how old he was when he was voted most sexy man on Earth? 59 That’s right:…


11 Luggage Buying Tips

Nothing quite defines a man as the destinations he visits. So it is only fitting for a stylish man to have quality luggage getting him from point A to point B. However men for the most part tend to not place much thought on their luggage when out shopping for it. Luggage becomes an after-thought,…


What Your Watch Says About You

Like it or not, more than those fancy Italian shoes on your feet or that big German coupe in your garage, your wristwatch says the most about who you are as man. Shoes are temporal, the value of a car drops as soon as you drive it from the showroom, but a good watch is…


Men’s Style Must-Haves

Nothing to wear? Problem could be your closet’s full. Yes, that’s right: full. Too full. Full of clothes too old, too threadbare, too dopey or too marginal to wear. “About a year and a half ago I spent a good three weeks clearing out pieces in my wardrobe that I had been collecting for 15…


How Life Coaches Become Very Wealthy

How to Create a Strategic Framework for a Multi-Million Dollar Practice… Life coaches assist people to constructively deal with changes in their personal and/or professional lives. Life coaches may also be employed to help people reach a greater level of personal or professional attainment. What’s very evident is that the business of life coaching is…



People save for a variety of things in retirement. Some dream of vacation homes in tropical destinations, others plan to spend time with grandchildren and family. Of all the activities you are saving for in retirement, did you know that health care may have the biggest price tag? One study found that a 65-year-old couple…


What to Wear with A Navy Blazer

The navy blue blazer is often mistaken by men as a suit jacket and at first glance you can’t blame them. Both jackets come in 2, 3 and 6 button varieties and share many of the same characteristics. So what sets the navy blue blazer apart from the suit jacket? Let’s break it down: Matching…


Choline Dietary Guidelines Insufficient

Choline Dietary Guidelines Insufficient       New research suggests that current dietary guidelines for the essential nutrient choline need an overhaul. Kerry-Ann da Costa Ph.D., a researcher at the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina, and colleagues analyzed healthy men and women who were fed a baseline diet containing 550 mg…