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Testosterone Promotes Cognitive Acuity

Testosterone Promotes Cognitive Acuity       A testosterone gel applied daily may improve cognitive performance in postmenopausal women, suggests research completed by a team at Monash University (Australia). Susan Davis and colleagues studied 92 healthy postmenopausal women, ages 55 to 65 years, who were not taking any systemic sex hormone therapy and had normal…


Testosterone Raises Insulin Sensitivity – Men’s Health

Testosterone Raises Insulin Sensitivity –  Men’s Health Giving testosterone to men with type 2 diabetes who are deficient in the hormone improved their insulin sensitivity, reports researchers from the University of Buffalo (New York, USA).  Paresh Dandona and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trial of 81 men with type 2 diabetes.  Men were randomized to treatment…


Testosterone in Aging Men

Testosterone in Aging Men       Australian researchers report that elderly men with low levels of testosterone or other sex hormones have twice the likelihood of having declining physical function over two years’ time compared with their peers who have the highest hormone levels.  Benjumin Hsu, from the University of Sydney (Australia), and colleagues…


Post-Menopause Brain Drain Tied to Progesterone

Post-Menopause Brain Drain Tied to Progesterone. Estrogen levels after menopause may have no impact on cognitive function, but progesterone levels might, researchers found.   Estrogen levels after menopause may have no impact on cognitive function, but progesterone levels might, researchers found. In an analysis of data from a prospective study, there were no significant associations…


Acute stress alters control of gene activity

Acute stress alters control of gene activity       Acute stress alters the methylation of the DNA and thus the activity of certain genes. This is reported by researchers at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum together with colleagues from Basel, Trier and London for the first time in the journal Translational Psychiatry. “The results provide evidence…


Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome

Grape Powder May Help to Counter Metabolic Syndrome Characterized by central obesity, hypertension, and adverse glucose and insulin metabolism, Metabolic Syndrome is a condition associated with increased risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Maria Luz Fernandez, from the University of Connecticut (Connecticut, USA), and colleagues enrolled 24 men with Metabolic Syndrome, in a month-long…


Cocoa & Green Tea Compounds Counter Inflammation

Cocoa & Green Tea Compounds Counter Inflammation Cocoa and green tea contain high levels of antioxidants, as a number of previous studies have suggested a variety of cardiovascular, brain, and skin health benefits. Whereas cocoa is rich in flavanols, green tea is abundant in polyphenols including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).  Researchers from the US Department of…


Green Tea Consumption Linked to Weight Loss and Reduction in Waist Circumference

Green Tea Consumption Linked to Weight Loss and Reduction in Waist Circumference Green Tea Consumption Linked to Weight Loss and Reduction in Waist Circumference Brazilian scientists have found that drinking green tea may help elderly people to lose weight and trim their waistline. Maria Gabriela Valle Gottlieb, of the Geriatrics and Gerontology Institute at the…