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Are Your Hormones Out of Whack?

Are Your Hormones Out of Whack? The work that hormones do is subtle—yet when they fall out of balance, the effects on your health may be anything but. I think of the body’s hormones as musical instruments in an orchestra: Each plays its own part in creating a perfect concert—until the day one is out…


Hormonal & Genetic disorders of metabolism

Hormonal & Genetic disorders of metabolism Hormones help regulate the metabolism. Some of the more common hormonal disorders are concerned with the thyroid. This gland secretes hormones to regulate many metabolic processes, including energy expenditure (the rate at which kilojoules are burned). Thyroid disorders include: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) – the metabolism slows because the thyroid…


Your Hormones and Cancer

Your Hormones and Cancer If you are dealing with hormone struggles, then you already know how much they can affect your day-to-day life. From energy levels to weight, your hormones have a big impact on many factors of your life, especially when they are not in proper balance. What you may not know, however, is…


What Are Hormones, And What Do They Do?

What Are Hormones, And What Do They Do? Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood. Understanding the major hormones and what they do…


Brainy Hormones

Known as the body’s messengers, hormones affect the way the body feels and functions, and are produced by many different parts of the body. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, is responsible for many hormones. Understanding these “brainy hormones” will help you take control of your body and your health. The hypothalamus produces hormones…


Human Growth Hormone & Benefits

Human Growth Hormone & Benefits With thousands of supplements to rave about, an entire cloaked market of potent steroids, and the debate about their legalization, why on earth would anyone want to discuss Human Growth Hormone (HGH)? Hasn’t it been proven totally useless as a muscle builder? Well, if that were true then why is…


What is testosterone?

What is testosterone? Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles. Testosterone helps maintain men’s: Bone density Fat distribution Muscle strength and mass Facial and body hair Red blood cell production Sex drive Sperm production What happens to testosterone levels with age? Testosterone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As you get…


HGH Benefits Human Growth Hormone

By age 30, virtually everyone is deficient in human growth hormone, resulting in SDS, or Somatotropin (human growth hormone) deficiency syndrome therefore needing hgh therapy benefits. Decreased human growth hormone symptoms include loss of muscle and an increase of fat. Low levels of human growth hormone decreases physical mobility, and reduces energy levels. Low levels…