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Upper Body Stretches

Upper Body Stretches For the best results, stretch each time you exercise, as well as on days when you may feel stiff or sore in these muscle groups. Frequent stretching will help keep these muscles flexible, which will enable you to gain more from your exercise. Upper Body Stretches. Dynamic Stretches The static stretches above…


Tai Chi Enhances Stem Cells

Tai Chi Enhances Stem Cells  Physical Health and Human Growth Hormone CD 34+ cells express the CD 34 protein and are “cluster markers” for hematopoietic stem cells (blood stem cells) involved in cell self-renewal, differentiation and proliferation.  There is keen interest among scientists to discover natural approaches to increase the numbers of CD 34+ cells….


Charge Up on Cherries Before Cycling

Charge Up on Cherries Before Cycling     Exercise and Huma Growth Hormone Strenuous exercise can cause temporary inflammation and oxidative stress that can lead to muscle damage, muscle soreness and reduced capacity to recover quickly.  Previous studies have found that tart cherries may exert beneficial effects on recovery following weight lifting exercise and marathon…


Anti-Aging = Anti-Stroke

Anti-Aging = Anti-Stroke Human Growth Hormone and Anti-Aging Previously, a number of studies have identified certain risk factors for stroke.  Kaja Tikk from the German Cancer Research Centre(Germany), and colleagues employed data modeling to assess data collected on 23,927 men and women to identify whether an overall healthy lifestyle may beneficially impact the risk of a…


A Worthy 25-Minute Investment

A Worthy 25-Minute Investment Anti Aging and Human Growth Hormone A cornerstone of the anti-aging medical model, routine physical activity promotes independent living.  Researchers from the United Kingdom report that 25 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise everyday may reduce prescription usage and hospital admissions, among men and women ages 70 and older. Bethany Simmonds, from the…


Anti-Aging Tenets Reaffirmed for Heart Health

Anti-Aging Tenets Reaffirmed for Heart Health Heart Health and HGH – Human Growth Hormone Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) researchers report that when adults in their 30s and 40s decide to quit unhealthy habits that are harmful to their heart and embrace healthy lifestyle changes, they can control and potentially even reverse the natural progression of…