Choosing A High Impact Aerobic Exercise Program
Before you hit the treadmill or join a spin class, you want to make sure that the program you choose is one that you’ll stick with. If you’re a highly social person, you may want to select a group exercise class or commit to a walking program with friends. Choosing A High Impact Aerobic Exercise Program.
If you have joint problems, you may want to consider non-weight bearing exercises like swimming or cycling. Pick something that will keep you engaged and challenged. You may even want to switch up your routine regularly to help prevent boredom. Just remember – the most effective aerobic exercise program is the one that you’ll stick with.
High Impact Aerobic Exercises
High impact exercises are those where both feet are periodically off the ground at the same time. These tend to be high-intensity forms of exercise that can be more stressful to the bones and joints.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though. If you don’t have injuries that could prevent you from performing this type of exercise, you may actually be able to burn calories at a higher rate while also challenging your cardiovascular system. This can result in a leaner, fitter physique, faster.
Soccer is another sport that can be aerobic or anaerobic, depending on how it’s played. If you keep the game going without many breaks, an hour of play will burn 476 or more calories.
When you play basketball without a significant number of timeouts or breaks, it can be considered an aerobic workout. Playing steadily for an hour will burn about 544 calories.
High-impact moves don’t just have to involve contact with the ground. Kicking, punching and blocking exercises can all be high-impact as well. A 60-minute kickboxing class will burn about 680 calories.
High-Impact Circuit Training
There’s circuit training, and then there’s high-intensity circuit training. This type of exercise incorporates bursts of high-intensity cardio or high-impact plyometrics into the circuit workout. Not only will this bump up the intensity, but it will also bump up the calorie burn to more than 600 an hour.
Jumping Rope or Other Jumping Exercises
Jumping rope is a tough form of aerobic exercise that will challenge everything from your calves to your shoulders, as well as your heart. An hour of jumping rope will burn about 660 calories, but don’t feel bad if you can’t make it the whole hour!
As long as you and your partner keep the volley going, tennis can offer an effective and fun means of aerobic exercise. Expect to burn about 544 calories in an hour.
High-Impact Aerobics
When you join an aerobics class that involves jumping, running or leaping, you’ve officially graduated to high-impact aerobics. Most classes will burn about 476 calories in an hour.
Jogging or Running
Hit the pavement for a jog or run and burn between 600 and 800 calories an hour, depending on how fast you’re pushing yourself. Burn even more by running hills or incorporating intervals.
High-Impact Dancing
If you’ve ever watched popular dancing shows like So You Think You Can Dance? or Dancing With the Stars, you know that there’s lots of running, jumping and leaping involved. Dance classes that incorporate this type of movement are considered high-impact dance. Expect to burn between 300 and 600 calories an hour depending on the amount of high-impact activity involved.
Understanding Intensity
Almost any form of aerobic workout can get you the results you want, but you need to understand that how hard you push yourself will play a significant role in the number of calories you burn and the muscle you build. Pushing yourself to go faster or work harder won’t always be comfortable, but it will help you achieve your goals. Try to work at an intensity that requires you to increase your breath rate while breaking a sweat.
Choosing A High Impact Aerobic Exercise Program.