Improve Your Physical Activity

Improve Your Physical Activity

Our body composition, shape, weight, and overall sense of well-being are determined by a variety of factors, including hormone levels, heredity, age, and socioeconomic circumstances.

However, by improving your personal activity level and diet, you can promote positive physical and emotional changes in the body.

Improve your physical activity

Improve your physical activity

Reduce stress

Stress is often associated with overeating and inactivity, both of which can lead to weight gain.

The stress hormone cortisol can make you prone to storing fat in your abdomen. It’s essential that if your mid-section is your trouble spot, you should find ways to alleviate your stress throughout the day.

Your focus should always be on your overall health and achieving a healthy body composition. You can’t spot-reduce fat from one specific area with exercise. But if you have a well-balanced diet and a comprehensive fitness plan that includes some targeted exercises, you’ll move one step closer to achieving your body confidence goals each day.

If you believe your individual trouble spots are not related to lifestyle, diet, or activity level, you should consider seeking medical advice for a solution.


Men of all ages can possess excess abdominal fat, but quite often this is a problem found in middle-aged men. Carrying excess fat in the abdominal area is linked to high levels of stress, as well as poor diet and lack of exercise.

The waist circumference measurement is increasingly being recognized as an important tool for assessing an individual’s health risks associated with being overweight. People who carry their weight centrally may be particularly at risk for developing heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

There is a big difference between having a small amount of excess fat covering your midsection and having an amount that is considered a health risk. Always remember to check with your doctor to learn whether you are at risk.