Relieve Back Pain By Doing Planks

Relieve Back Pain By Doing Planks

Do it at home or wherever you want! If you can keep doing this for 3-5 minutes every day, you will see the results claimed really fast! You don’t have to hit the gym and no equipment is needed.

Relieve back pain by doing planks

Relieve back pain by doing planks

Strengthen abs

Planks, when performed correctly, are all about creating tension through the whole body, activating all of the muscles of the “core”.

Muscles like the “6 pack abs” (rectus abdominus) deeper abs (transverse abdominus), obliques, spinal erectors, lats, rhomboids, traps, and glutes.

Improve your posture

Doing planks greatly improves your ability to stand with a straight and stable posture. Through strengthening your core you will be able to maintain proper posture at all times because muscles in the abdomen have a profound effect on the overall condition of your neck, shoulders, chest, and back.

Relieve back pain

Doing planks is a type of exercise that allows you to build muscle while also making sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your spine or hips.

According to the American Council on Exercise, doing planks regularly not only significantly reduces back pain but also strengthens your muscles and ensures strong support for your entire back, especially in the areas around your upper back.

Burn more calories

Planking is an excellent way of challenging your entire body because doing them every day will burn more calories than other traditional abdominal exercises, such as crunches or sit-ups.

The muscles you strengthen by doing this exercise on a day-to-day basis will ensure that you burn more energy even when sedentary. This is especially important if you are spending the majority of your day sitting in front of a computer.

Mental benefits

Plank exercises have a particular effect on our nerves, making them an excellent means of improving our overall mood. How? Well, they stretch out muscle groups that contribute to stress and tension in the body. Just think about it: you are sitting in your chair, at home or at work, all day long; your thigh muscles get tight, your legs get heavy due to being bent for several hours; tension develops in your shoulders due to being forced to slump forward all day.

These are all circumstances that put too much stress on the muscles and nerves. The good news is that planks not only calm your brain, but they can also treat anxiety and symptoms of depression– but only if you make it part of your daily routine.