Tips To Sustain Your Fitness Motivation

Tips To Sustain Your Fitness Motivation

Are you motivated or do you procrastinate? Sometimes it’s all too easy to talk yourself out of doing something important. I bet we’ve all been there. My motivation downfall might not be exercise but I can relate!

Let’s face it, the number one result of a lack of fitness motivation is giving up entirely. I don’t want anyone to give up on fitness. I really do want all of you to succeed!

Here are 3 fitness motivation tips to help you stay on track:

Tips to sustain your fitness motivation

Tips to sustain your fitness motivation

Write down your fitness goal

It’s easy to lose track of the reason you’re working hard, so writing down your “why” can remind you of the importance of your personal fitness goals. Refocusing on your big goal (and the smaller ones along the way) will help you regain momentum.

A quick tip: Try keeping a fitness journal. Investing in a special notebook and writing down what you hope to achieve through fitness on the first page may help you stay motivated.

Mix it up and make fitness fun

Doing the same thing over and over can easily start to feel boring. Repeating the same workout can also cause overuse injuries and slow down the results process. When you ask your body to consistently do more, it physiologically adapts to the increased demand. Therefore, in order to continue to improve, you must continue to increase the challenge. If you can add an element of fun to exercising then it will be something you look forward to, every time.

Take your foot off the gas but don’t stop

If you are working out but not seeing results, simply back off for a few days and reduce your intensity. Continue to work out at a lower intensity in order to give your body a rest and then slowly start to increase your workouts over a week. It sounds counterintuitive to do less, but you need to allow your body sufficient time to recover then adapt and improve.

A quick tip: remember to add recovery days to your fitness regime. If you are working on strength training and cardio five times a week, then try simply walking or swimming for fun on two days to give your body time to recover.