8 Exercises To Help You Look Great In Swimsuit

Looking to get that perfect bikini body, or look great in a swimsuit this summer? Try these 8 fitness exercises: 4 for men and 4 for women!


Fitness Exercises for Men

Here are a few simple workouts for you guys to start looking great at the beach.

Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown is a great exercise for your shoulders, arms, and back. It’s got a full range of motion compared to similar exercises, which increases muscle stretching and endurance. Many people focus too much on their arms and not enough on their shoulders and back – causing them to have spectacular arms, but lacking in back definition.

Leg Scissors

No bikini body is complete without 6 pack abs. If you do these long enough, you’ll start to feel the burn and be well on your way to those abs you’ve always wanted. These are great for getting rid of that pesky pouch of fat in that hard to exercise area between your belly button and groin.

Front Squat

Of course, you can’t forget about leg day! Skipping leg day turns you into one of those incredibly awkward looking guys with huge upper bodies and wimpy lower bodies. No one wants to see that – never skip leg day!

Bench Press

Last, but certainly not least, we have to hit the chest. What better way to build a huge chest than by the classic bench press? One tip I learned while working out myself – don’t bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Over time, bring the bar that far down can cause serious injury to the ligaments in your chest. Only bring the bar down enough so your arms are parallel with the ground.

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Fitness Exercises for Women

Now that the guys have some exercises, this section is for the ladies wanting to look good!

Mountain Climber Planks

Ladies, if you’re ready for your own 6 pack abs, you’ve got to try these. Heck, show the men how it’s done and swap back and forth between these and the leg scissors in the men’s exercise sections to really feel the burn! For added benefit, include planking in between each set and down let yourself fall until you’re totally finished. Start as high as you’re comfortable, whether that’s 5 seconds or 5 minutes. As you continue these exercises every day, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll progress.


A toned booty is highly sought after by all the guys on the beach, according to Stephanie Lee of FitnGeeky (and many others)! The best way to get that figure you desire is by a very basic squat! However, make sure you get your form right; improper squatting can do damage to your back. Good luck toning up your gluteus maximus!

Barbell Hip Thruster

They may look kind of funny, and the guys might turn their heads when they see you doing it, but barbell hip thrusters are one of the best ways to get the highly sought-after “V”. These work your back, glutes, and (most importantly), your lower abs. As with any machine workout (but especially those involving your back), be sure not to put too much weight on the bar or you risk serious injury.


There’s nothing quite like an old-fashioned push-up. They still work out your chest as good as any machine could; maybe better if calisthenics is to be believed! Be sure to incorporate some of the classic exercises in your routine for the best results. As always, perfect your form for best results, and increase your reps when only using body weight!

There you have it ladies and gents – 4 exercises to get your beach bod on this summer! Happy exercising – be sure to share pictures of your results when you start seeing them!