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Summer Beauty

Summer Beauty Staying cool in the summertime is essential for avoiding a sweaty, makeup meltdown. Here are some of my best tips for feeling cooler and looking your best in the heat. After a long, cold winter, it sounds pretty nice to turn up the heat of summer! I feel like I can never get…


Does Being Married Improve Life Expectancy?

Does Being Married Improve Life Expectancy? When you grow old, who will take care of you? For many, that is a husband or wife. So does marriage improve life expectancy? Here’s what research shows. Does Marriage Improve Life Expectancy? Marriage was one of the first non-biological factors identified as improving life expectancy. The explanation given…


7 Grooming Mistakes Men Make

Why Grooming Matters Social gatherings are more intimate occasions. That’s true not just emotionally, but also physically. People stand closely, look at screens and papers and other distractions less, and in general have way more time and inclination to look at the details of your appearance than you’re used to. That makes this the perfect…