Plan physical activity into your day

Plan physical activity into your day

HGH Austin Human Growth Hormone

You are more likely to incorporate physical activity into your day if you plan ahead. Suggestions include:

  • Think about the factors that discourage you from being active.
  • Learn more about the benefits of physical activity and the multitude of options available. The Better Health Channel has lots of information on these topics.
  • Decide which types of physical activity appeal to you.
  • Look through your diary and identify possible timeslots for physical activity but also try to reduce the amount of time you are inactive throughout the day.
  • Set reasonable goals for yourself. Decide how you are going to monitor your progress.
  • Update your physical activity goals on a regular basis and document the benefits to your quality of life.
  • See your doctor for a check-up, advice, support and referral.


HGH Austin Human Growth Hormone

Incidental physical activity

You can incorporate physical activity into your daily lifestyle by making a few small changes, such as:

  • Walk or cycle to the local shops instead of taking the car.
  • Get off the bus (or train) at an earlier stop and walk the rest of the way.
  • Wash your car yourself instead of taking it to the carwash.
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  • Don’t forget that having sex is a form of exercise too.