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Grapes May Alleviate Arthritis

Grapes May Alleviate Arthritis     Arthritis and Human Growth Hormone he most common joint disease among Americans, osteoarthritis is a condition where the natural cushioning between joints – the cartilage – wears away.  Because symptom management is often ineffective and joint replacement is invasive surgery, many osteoarthritis suffers seek natural approaches. Grapes are rich…


Poor Fitness in Midlife May Raise Heart Failure Risk

Poor Fitness in Midlife May Raise Heart Failure Risk Heart Health and Human Growth Hormone In that cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely associated with heart failure risk, Stephanie K. Brinker, from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Texas, USA), and colleagues explored the mechanism through which fitness lowers heart failure risk.  The team assessed fitness…


Arthritis Raises Fall Risk

Arthritis Raises Fall Risk     Physical Health and Human Growth Hormone Falls are the leading cause of injury-related morbidity and mortality among older adults, with more than one in three older adults falling each year.  Falls among older adults can result in hip fractures, brain injuries, decline in functional abilities, and reductions in social…


Work May Ward Off Depression

Work May Ward Off Depression Mental Health and Human Growth Hormone Many of us spend an estimated 60% or more of our waking hours at work.  Samuel B Harvey, from the University of New South Wales (Australia), and colleagues completed a meta-analysis of studies of workplace interventions aimed at universal prevention of depression.  Nine workplace-based…


Olive Oil May Counter Cardiac Effects of Air Pollution

Olive Oil May Counter Cardiac Effects of Air Pollution      Regenerative Medicine and Human Growth Horomone Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet – with which a number of cardiovascular benefits are associated. Haiyan Tong, from the US Environmental Protection Agency (North Carolina, USA), and colleagues enrolled…