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Diabetes: Cooking Tips

Diabetes: Cooking Tips HGH and Testosterone Cost New York City Many people with diabetes have to rethink their approach to eating. Often, that means a new approach in the kitchen, too. You can bring out great flavors in foods without adding a lot of fat, calories or salt. If your kitchen is a place where…


Sexual Health and Relationships

Sexual Health and Relationships Sexual Compulsion and Sex Addiction A real addiction? Many people are surprised to learn that compulsive sex isn’t considered a true addiction. In fact, there isn’t an official term for this behavior listed in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), which describes all mental…


Stress and Pain

Stress and Pain Natural pain relievers In the short term, stress can be a powerful painkiller. When the brain senses a serious threat or a traumatic injury, it releases a veritable pharmacy of chemicals to quickly dampen the pain. Called “stress-induced analgesia,” this reaction explains why people often don’t feel pain immediately following an injury….


Tips for a good posture

Tips for a good posture How long has it been since someone told you to “sit up straight”? Kids get advice on their posture all the time, but some adults could definitely use a reminder. People who slouch throughout the day can be vulnerable to a wide variety of problems, including back pain. If your…


Take Cold Showers

Take Cold Showers San José Testosterone Replacement The advances in technology we enjoy today have undoubtedly made our lives better, but we’ve forgotten what it’s like to experience discomfort. It’s too hot? Turn on the A/C. Water’s too cold? Adjust the faucet knob. Heck, we even take average experiences and make them feel great. Your…


Actions to Take For Guaranteed Fat Loss

Actions to Take For Guaranteed Fat Loss Testosterone Replacement Treatment (TRT) Victorious armies throughout history didn’t blindly and foolishly charge the hills and attack enemies: they were patient and precise in mapping out their plan of action. Before pummeling your body into submission with the latest bootcamp workouts or making extreme changes to your diet,…


Steps to A Happier Day

Steps to A Happier Day There’s so much negativity in the world right now. It’s important that you understand how significant the little things are in life and how they impact your overall level of happiness on a daily basis. Here are 5 practical tips you can implement as soon as today! 1. Wake Up Earlier…