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HGH Clinic USA Norditropin
HGH Clinic USA Norditropin Pen

Minimum Exercise for a Longer Life

Minimum Exercise for a Longer Life Physical activity promotes health, and for years, several public health bodies –- including the American Heart Association, US Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization –-have recommended getting 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 or more times per week. Surprisingly though, only a couple of more recent major…


How to Speed Up Metabolism

How to Speed Up Metabolism When it comes to weight loss, a fast metabolism makes the difference between reaching your goals and spinning your wheels without seeing much progress. Not only does a speedy metabolism help you burn more calories, but it allows you to eat more during your weight loss journey, making you more…


Recharge Your Body

Too many of our older population give up and give into aging because they feel it is too late to start being active. But you know what? That is a bunch of prunes! So you are a little slower, your reflexes aren’t as sharp as they used to be, and your joints make more noise…


Four Essential Beginners Strength Training Exercises

Lifting weights can be an intimidating concept when you are first starting out, but there are some beginner’s strength training exercises that can introduce you to this facet of workouts with confidence. Current recommendations state that strength training should be included at least twice per week in addition to cardiovascular workouts. Strength training can help…


Hormonal & Genetic disorders of metabolism

Hormonal & Genetic disorders of metabolism Hormones help regulate the metabolism. Some of the more common hormonal disorders are concerned with the thyroid. This gland secretes hormones to regulate many metabolic processes, including energy expenditure (the rate at which kilojoules are burned). Thyroid disorders include: Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) – the metabolism slows because the thyroid…


Tips to stay mentally healthy

Enjoying mental health means having a sense of wellbeing, being able to function during everyday life and feeling confident to rise to a challenge when the opportunity arises. Just like your physical health, there are actions you can take to increase your mental health. Boost your wellbeing and stay mentally healthy by following a few…


How to Grow Old Gracefull

Aging is inevitable, but to grow old gracefully is a choice. While we know that getting old is unavoidable, how we perceive this natural process depends greatly upon our social and cultural influences. In western culture, we tend to idolize youth, while aging is stigmatized as undesirable, even shameful. We worry about what we will…