Lead a healthy lifestyle

Lead a healthy lifestyle

There are a range of things you can do to manage your health. You can help prevent some illnesses or reduce symptoms of some conditions by eating healthy, fresh food and being physically active. It’s a good idea to see your doctor at least once a year, and you can stay up to date by reading current and accurate health information.

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The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) promotes four main elements of a healthy lifestyle using the acronym SNAP, which stands for:

  • Smoking – affects every organ of your body. Call Quitline or visit the Quit website for online resources to help you stop smoking.
  • Nutrition – affects your overall physical and mental health.
  • Alcohol – can affect you physically and mentally in the short and long term.
  • Physical activity – can improve overall health and reduce your chronic disease risk. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.

The benefits of living a healthy lifestyle include:

  • reducing the risk of most diseases, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes
  • improving your joint stability, flexibility, strength, stamina and range of movement
  • helping to maintain flexibility, balance and coordination as you age
  • maintaining bone density, preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures
  • reducing the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, and improving your sense of wellness and mood
  • improving self-esteem and self-confidence
  • improving sharpness and clarity of mind, including memory
  • improving your ability to recover from illness
  • increasing the length of your life.

Being physically fit means you are less likely to get injured doing physical activity or in everyday life. If you do get injured, you are likely to recover quicker than if you were unfit.

Eating a well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, and low in processed foods and fats, will help you to maintain a healthy weight.

For professional advice, including targeted nutrition and dietary recommendations to improve your overall health or to help you manage specific health needs, contact a nutritionist or dietitian.

Your mental health is also important. Eating well and exercising can help guard against depression. Being healthy sharpens your memory and stabilises your mood. A low-stress life can help you sleep better, which leads to more energy. Good mental health can also be about maintaining healthy relationships, feeling positive about life and experiencing a sense of belonging.

For professional mental health advice, talk to your doctor, who may direct you to a psychologist, counsellor or psychiatrist.