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Heart-Healthy Foods That You Will Love

Heart-Healthy Foods That You Will Love Most people don’t need an excuse to party, but in case you need an official reason to celebrate, February doesn’t disappoint. Sure, there’s the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day, but we also have Groundhog Day and Presidents’ Day. And in case you didn’t mark your calendars, February is also…


A healthy pasta option

A healthy pasta option Now there are delicious whole-wheat pastas or noodles with spinach or tomato added, plus rice, corn and quinoa pastas. So, how do all of these different noodles stack up? Most people buy regular pasta made from a type of high-protein wheat, such as durum or semolina, which gives pasta its characteristic…


Improve your overall well-being

Improve your overall well-being Positive habits are the basis of your success, while healthy habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good. Good habits include things like regular exercise, a balanced diet, punctuality, keeping promises, etc. Positive habits make it possible for us to do things without spending exorbitant mental effort. For instance, instead of…


What to eat and drink after exercising

What to eat and drink after exercising What do you eat first after a workout? Most athletes pay fairly good attention to what they eat before exercising, but afterwards for some, well, it’s almost as if ‘anything goes.” Eating the right foods and beverages after your workout does more than just replenish your draining fuel supply. It…