Working Moms Can Balance Work and Family

Working Moms Can Balance Work and Family

It is possible to pursue a fulfilling full-time career while taking an active role as a mother, if you learn to find a balance that works for your life.

These tips will help working moms to make juggling the two sides a little bit easier:

Create special and meaningful family activities

Make the time that you spend with your family really count by planning activities that everyone will look forward to and enjoy.

Organize a weekly family game night, have a picnic in the backyard, or go play mini golf. I love to take long walks with my family at nearby parks because it gives us a chance to be active and have great conversations. Ask for ideas from your older kids and let them get involved in deciding where to go too.

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Reduce distractions and time wasters

Time is such a precious commodity when you are a working mom.

At work, be mindful of the time you are spending socializing with co-workers if it is affecting your productivity. Limit long lunch breaks and surfing the internet so that you can get the most out of your work time.

When at home, focus on your partner and your child rather than your phone or the TV to ensure that the time spent together is meaningful and intentional.

Share the housework

The burden of the housework should not fall solely on the woman’s shoulders. This is an area that is easy for your partner to help you out in, especially if you have specific tasks that only you can do (i.e. breastfeeding, putting the baby down).

If your children are older, delegate simple tasks to them so they can learn to build good habits early on and play an active role in contributing to the family.

Use time saving hacks

To get the most done in the least amount of time, use shortcuts and plan strategically.

Order your groceries online and use curbside pick-up or have them delivered to your house; this saves time AND ensures that you don’t forget anything.

Schedule conference calls during your commute and get quick errands done during your lunch break to free up more time during the week.

Prepare outfits and lunches the night before so that you can enjoy your morning instead of rushing to get out the door on time.

Make time for me time

Finding time for yourself is crucial in maintaining inner peace and balance within the hectic environment of work and home life.

Moms have a bad habit of putting their own needs last in order to take care of everyone else first. But if you aren’t taking care of yourself, how can you expect to take care of anyone else well?

Find the time on a regular basis and an activity that will allow you to relax and recharge. Some ideas include: meditation, yoga, exercise, reading, writing, catching up with a friend, or pampering yourself.

Best of both worlds

Can a working mom have both a successful career and a fulfilling family life?

It is absolutely possible.

It may not look exactly like how you pictured it, but don’t let that deceive you. Recognize and appreciate all of the great things you do have, and just take it one day at a time.