Building Muscle in Your 40s

Building Muscle in Your 40s

Training is nothing fancy, it should simply be part of your routine. Yet a lot of the people that start training after the age of 40 think they need a specific, fancy workout schedule. This is not true.

While your recovery periods may truly be longer, you don’t need to train any different than a 20 year old unless you have major physical limitations such as a herniated disc.

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The most important thing in every workout schedule should be to get into a routine. This can be harder because as an adult, you have more responsibilities such as a demanding job or a family.

In the beginning, you need to juggle multiple aspects of your life. That’s why you need support from your environment. Also, try to make friends at the gym or join groups.

Enjoy the process

Your workout schedule can be a Trojan Horse. You start the schedule wanting to improve your physique but you end up improving every aspect of your life.

Getting a workout can be a huge win for your day. Even if your whole day was awfully bad, at least you got a workout in.

Keep going

Most people that sign up for a gym membership quit after 3 months. I’m a huge supporter in making your workout and diet sustainable, yet this is much harder if you are 40+ years old.

Realize that most worthwile things in life are hard first before they get easier.

Write down your realistic goals for yourself or even publish it on your facebook wall and post your training pictures. This will create social pressure to help you keep going.

Plan your workout sessions ahead of the week and treat them as a priority. Building muscles will take longer if you’re 40 due to the wear and tear over the years. Be persistent.