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HGH Clinic USA Norditropin
HGH Clinic USA Norditropin Pen

6 Reasons to Take the Stairs

6 Reasons to Take the Stairs “In order for man to succeed in life, God provided two means, education and physical activity. Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise can save it and preserve it.” –Plato, 400 B.C. Need a good reason to take the…


3 Reasons to Get Gardening

3 Reasons to Get Gardening Any long-time gardener can readily tell you about the many benefits of gardening, from a spiritual connection to the earth to the inner satisfaction that comes from literally reaping what you sow. But the many health benefits of gardening are sometimes overlooked. Here are 3 major ones: 1. Gardening Counts…


A New Approach to Being Active

A New Approach to Being Active When you embrace a style of activity with free flowing movements, you just might experience benefits that go beyond the physical. People have been engaging in free flowing movements for centuries, but as a former athlete and a trainer who is often helping people to achieve a very specific…


5 Effective Exercise Time-Savers

5 Effective Exercise Time-Savers Why do work, family obligations, social events, weather, traffic and seemingly everything else seem to get in the way of our workouts? Even with the best intentions, life can just get busy sometimes—so busy that exercise takes a back burner as far as priorities. However, rather than throwing in the towel…